Guidelines after hair transplantation surgery

These guidelines can help you with possible post-operation challenges with your head and scalp, and inform you what to expect. Follow these instructions carefully to find out how to take care for your scalp after a hair transplantation.

A patient can return to work 5 days after a hair transplantation. Returning to work for heavy-duty workers, on the other hand, should take a little longer, ideally 7-14 days.

  • Avoid Sunlight
After undergoing a hair transplantation process, a patient should protect their head from the sun for 1-2 months. Too much direct sunlight damages not only the treated scalp's surface, but also the underlying layers.

  • Be careful while coughing or sneezing
It's best to keep your head up and avoid any fast movements like coughing or sneezing after surgery. Although it's unlikely that coughing a few days following your hair transplantation will harm the grafts, vigilance is advised when sneezing or coughing.
Avoid touching the newly grafted scalp.

  • No swimming
Swimming should be avoided for two weeks following a hair transplantation to allow the grafts and the donor location to recover. The grafts are securely placed and secured beneath the scalp after two weeks, and infection should not be a worry.

  • No intense exercises
Before indulging in vigorous exercise, we recommend waiting at least 10 days after hair transplantation surgery. Gentle workouts such as walking or yoga, as well as light activity, are permissible after the fourth postoperative day. Reduce the intensity of any of these exercises if you notice an increase in bleeding while doing them.

  • No smoking
Because smoking delays healing, it is in your best interests to stop smoking one week prior to surgery and one week afterward. Nicotine tightens and constricts blood vessels, hindering recovery, which has a negative impact on the growth of new hair.

  • No alcohol
Patients should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages for at least two weeks prior to and after their hair transplant surgery. This will allow your body to process any alcohol in your system and restore normal blood pressure.

  • No bending
Patients should not bend their heads for three days to have a better hair transplantation income. This way you will prevent popping out of the grafts, and bleeding of the recipient area.

  • No sauna/solarium
We don't recommend going to the sauna, steam baths, or staying in extremely hot regions because these activities can induce excessive sweating and are just as dangerous as exercising or participating in sports. Saunas and steam baths should be avoided for the first month following a hair transplantation since they cause excessive sweating.

  • No scratching
To avoid removing scabs and delaying the healing process, scratching should be avoided for a month. Instead of scratching your scalp with your nail, gently rub it.

  • No sweating
For a month after the hair transplant, patients should avoid heavy perspiration to avoid damaging the implanted grafts. If the patient lives in a hot climate, it is recommended that he or she spend the first 2-3 weeks after the treatment as much as possible indoors. Avoid sexual intercourse, because sweating, especially in the first few days, can cause your grafts to shift.

  • No hat/helmet
You should refrain from using a helmet or headgear for a month. Wearing a helmet or headgear after the hair transplantation may harm your newly implanted hair grafts, causing you to lose your hair. It also causes sweating, which may result in a hair graft to fall out of the scalp.
Post-operative hair wash
Washing will help remove scabs and speed up the healing process. Shampoo and lotion will be provided for the hair washing procedure.

Begin the post-transplant hair washing routine 3 days after your hair transplant and follow the instructions once a day for the following 15 days.
After 15 days, you can stop using the lotion and begin washing with any type of shampoo, gently rubbing the shampoo into your skin with your fingertips.

It's important to remember that the transplanted hair will fall out in the first two months.
First and second week after the hair transplantation
Step 1. Applying lotion
  • Emollient lotion promotes skin cell renewal, hydrates the skin, and softens scabs.
  • Donor and recipient area
  • Apply 7-8 drops of lotion to the transplanted and donor and rub them together lightly. After washing your hair, wait 1 hour before rinsing it out. Apply the lotion in the same direction as the implanted grafts to avoid damage. You can apply more lotion to the donor region if desired.
Step 2: Applying shampoo
The scabs are removed, and a special medicinal wash is used to speed up the healing process. You may begin washing as advised after an hour has passed since you applied the lotion. With the provided medical shampoo, make foam with your hands and gently apply it around the donor and recipient areas without rubbing or forceful movements. Allow the foam to sit for 2-3 minutes before rinsing it. You can use extra lotion on the donor area to prevent itching, burning, and dryness in addition to the cleaning procedure.

Step 3: Rinsing
Rinse your hair with warm water rather than pressurised hot water. Pour some water over your head with a bowl (do not use the shower). It is vital to rinse the shampoo thoroughly.

Step 4: Drying
Hair should not be dried with towels. Use a cool-air hair dryer and keep it at a safe distance from your head.
Third and fourth week after hair transplantation
If any scabs persist after transplanting, apply 12-15 drops of lotion to the transplanted area and leave it for up to 2 hours. After that, gently massage it with the shampoo we provided to eliminate the scabs.
One month after hair transplantation
Pēc mēneša vissarežģītākais posms ir beidzies, un jūs varat atgriezties pie ierastā rutīnas, tostarp dvieļu lietošanas.
Atgādinājums: lūdzu, nosūtiet mums savas galvas attēlus no dažādiem leņķiem pēc divām nedēļām pēc mazgāšanas vadlīniju ievērošanas.
Ask the Doctor
Feel free to contact us if you would like to learn more about hair transplantation in our clinic and how it can help you. Our assistants will contact you as soon as possible to prepare your treatment, explain the next steps, and what you can expect.